Monday, January 10, 2011

ethnic elitists

If you didn't already know, I'm a first generation immigrant from Croatia. I have dual citizenship and I have lived in the United States since I was a toddler.

Though I would say my family is extremely proud of our heritage my parents have never once put any pressure on me to date/marry someone Croatian. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to randomly fall in love with someone who happened to have ties to Croatia. However the idea of needing to end up with someone Croatian seems prehistoric to me.

That's why I am always baffled when I receive messages from Croatian men from all over the United States stoked to have found me. Often times they introduce themselves by telling me they did a simple search query of "Croatian" in the keywords. One was even kind enough to voluntarily pass along the site "". Another didn't have any pictures on his profile, but assured me in his message that he was attractive. But my very favorite comes from a 42 year old Croatian man in Ontario, Canada. His message includes the following requests: 
"Like me, you should be Catholic. Have have no kids, never been married, or lived common law."
Well, Cro-ntario. Though I do not have kids, have never been married or lived common law, I am not your Croatian bride to-be. You see, I also have some requests. Since you seemed to have missed everything on my profile except my heritage I can outline just a few:

  1. I'd like someone under 30, or at least closer to my age then my mother's.
  2. I know I'm being picky, but I'd prefer to reside in the same country.
  3. I'd also like to have something in common with someone I date, other than just my nationality. 

Ms. Matched

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