Monday, January 10, 2011

hide yo wives

I recently received a message from a gentleman who we can refer to as Buck. Buck writes:
"hi my name is buck. i'm 26 and single. do you want to talk sometime?"
OBVIOUSLY you're single. You're on And I can see your age on your profile. Buck, if you have nothing more compelling to tell me about yourself I would rather eat a spider than date you. Delete.

In the meantime, my roommate K is excited about a potential match who we will call Joe.

Joe seems great! K thinks he's a hottie, seems funny, kind, mature, and really interested in K. He sends very flattering messages, and eventually offers K his personal email address for additional correspondence. Seems sort of odd to me, why not his number? But I don't want to be overly critical. K takes him up on this email address offer and shoots him an email.

And she receives a "thanks but no thanks" email back from JOE'S WIFE

Maybe Buck isn't so bad after all.  At least he's single. I think.

Ms. Matched


  1. OMG I think I just peed a little. I think I'd rather eat a spider than have you date Buck! Mimi you're amazing!

    Why aren't you this funny in person?!?! JOKES! Love you!

  2. I'm hysterical in person. Just not as big of a bitch! :-)
