Monday, January 31, 2011

Cheap Charlie

"Charlie" had potential y'all. He really did. But he may take the cake for the cheapest and most financially obsessed human being I have ever met.

He looked good pictures, seemed like an intelligent, motivated, and active individual, and actually had a picture of himself IN Croatia. Crazy! We'd at least have something to talk about. I tend to be more of a phone person than an message writer (strange, right? I blog...) so I gave Charlie my number and when he first called me we chatted for almost 4 hours on the phone. I was excited to meet him and we made plans to get brunch on Sunday.

So Charlie picks me up, and his car is actually one I am considering purchasing! I tell him so. He tells me about the great deal he got, how good the resale value is, how much his monthly payments are. Sort of odd details to share, but I'm not alarmed yet.

We start talking about work, and I ask about the actual location of his company. He tells me he commutes about 30miles each way to work, and is considering applying for jobs in downtown Seattle. He has calculated he would save about $40 a week in gas if he takes the bus. Which adds up to almost 15% of his rent or half of his current monthly student loan payment.

Hmmm... cool?

I start thinking maybe it would be better to talk about the here and now. Like the breakfast menu. Charlie tells me he likes this place, but a Denny's grand slam is $6 cheaper than the equivalent at this local joint.

I'm officially uncomfortable.

I tell him I'm having a hard time deciding. Charlie offers me the following advice:

"It's a better value to get this one, because you get french toast as well. And it's the same price. Even if you don't eat the french toast you can save it for later. And you get a trip to the toppings bar. But only one trip so you have to fit as much on your plate as possible. I find if you put the whipped cream on top instead of on the side you can get the toppings to stick better and get more for your money."
See ya Charlie. You are too much for me. I hope you find a girl who's as excited to save $6 at Denny's as you are.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good bargain. But on designer shoes, not on first date.

judge away

Ms. Matched


  1. hahaha the picture says it all!!! Money Money Money Money---- MONEY! Jokes. You're so not one to be obsessed with money on either end of the spectrum. You like nice things which is fine. Don't feel like people judge you for it. But it says a lot about a relationship if one end if obsessive about saving a buck ALL THE TIME and the other wants to enjoy like.

    I would have dumped him too!

  2. Haha wow! Love the picture by the way, from your 21st birthday!

  3. *SNAPS*

    I'm with you Mi...getting a good deal is preferred but penny pinching is NOT sexy. The way I figure it, cheap guys aren't for us because we're not cheap (in any sense of the word).


  4. Wow I am scared of this guy - calculating every part of his life freaks me out!

    - Jenni Bennett
