Thursday, January 13, 2011

if your profile includes any combination of the following:

  • a picture of you wearing a black, short-sleeved, button-up shirt with flames.
  • the tagline "divorce: future tense of marriage"
  • well over 700 words... and no punctuation.
  • the word chemistry spelled "kemistry"
  • a picture taken with your phone of yourself in the bathroom without a shirt on.
You might need more help getting a date than can provide.

In other news, recently (I think) invented a fantastic little feature called "message filtering". So now I automatically have mail from anyone over 30 and/or shorter than 5'11 put away in a little pile where I never have to see them! Unless I choose to dig into the folder, and I'm not quite there yet. You can do this for almost any criteria. Religion, education, smoking habits, etc.

Unfortunately you can't filter for poor spelling. And pictures with short-sleeved button up shirts with flames. Maybe they can add that to the filters? I will make the suggestion.

Tell me readers, what would YOU filter?

Ms. Matched


  1. how about just a flame filter in general. if you own ANYTHING with flames on it... DENIED.

  2. down with that. I was also thinking a "picture with your car" filter.

  3. Over 25 combined with "Lives with parents" filter. Definitely.

  4. assholes...though that would filter out about 95% of men. but hey, we're busy girls. it's all about efficiency!

  5. Bad hygiene filter! You don't want a guy that smells.

  6. lazy haha i just can't handle it!
