Monday, January 10, 2011

the time has come:

I'm two years out of college... and out of patience for the drunk losers at the bars. I have the world's best friends, a wonderful family, and a great job. Though I lead an abundant, active, and social life already full of laughter and love I don't really find myself meeting new people. I'm now several months removed from a serious relationship and ready to meet someone tall, dark, and handsome with a heart of gold.

So! I'm a huge believer in the ROI of the digital marketing space, so it would seem more than natural that I become a believer in digital dating. I have an older sorority sister who is happily married off of her match experience, a blissful coworker who swears by the site, and a family friend who thinks she's met the one. I also have two equally brave roomies who signed up months prior to me.

We have found a conglomeration of ridiculously entertaining experiences that you may find here. Some in the digital space, and some brought to life on first (AND LAST) dates.

So if we have this many atrocious and awkward stories to share with the world, why continue to put ourselves out there?

Blogging material.

But I have to admit that every once in a blue moon I meet someone who makes me smile, makes me laugh, or better yet gives me butterflies. Though these are few and far between, the free meals and drinks don't hurt either.


Ms. Matched


  1. can't wait to read all about these mia. i might send a few stories your way as well. :)

  2. MIA these are fabulous so far! I have loved every one and you are an amazing writer. I told you to slow down on posting so many blogs so quickly but I take it back. I could read several more right now if you had more to read. If you need a "my friend and I both were talking to the same Match guy at the same time" story, let me know. I have a good one. Ps- hot pic! Long live Four Loko.
